Friday, January 21, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Our 2011 team!

We are in the process of setting up a new web page with our new name.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Getting ready


Four members of the team ready to go for a short winter paddle on the San Marcos River.

Virginia, Sandy, Holly and Natalie

Holly and Virgina paddling in a USCA C2 working on form and speed.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

New Boat

We are excited to find a rental canoe that will work for 6 girls!

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Welcome to the Texas Sweethearts blog!

We are a women's marathon canoeing team formed in 2005. We are proud to have Holly Orr, Sandy Yonley, Jamie Norman, Virginia Parker and Natalie Taylor on our team for the 2011 Texas Water Safari.

For those of you who don’t already know the Texas Water Safari is held annually on the second weekend of June every year. It is a 260 mile nonstop, canoe/kayak race, beginning in the headwaters of the San Marcos River, ending across San Antonio bay in Sea Drift Texas. Each team must have a team captain, who is responsible to follow the team by vehicle to keep track of their location and condition while providing them water and ice. During the race, teams may not receive any assistance of any kind except verbal and water. All need gear & food to finish must be carried from the start. In order to qualify one must cross the finish line within 100 hours. To accomplish this one must mentally and physically strong and prepared to paddle through the dark of night. Darkness is only one of the many challenges one may encounter during the race. A few others will be extreme heat, hallucinations caused by fatigue, alligators, alligator gar, log jams (river blockage), snakes, wasp, large spiders and sting rays etc.. These extreme conditions have earned the Texas Water Safari the reputation of being the “World’s Toughest Boat Race“! It is also a unique race because there is no prize for winning, only a t-shirt and small plaque.

Due to the extreme nature this race attracts thousands of spectators and various news reporters each year. Being an all female our team will receive more attention than the average racer, even more so since this is the first time in the history of the race to have a 5 person all female team.

There is a great opportunity for vast publicity for companies by way of partnering with us by sponsorship. For more information on promotion available please contact the Texas Sweethearts. We want to point out and extended our gratitude to each of our current sponsors Chaco, ZRE Paddles, Nalgene, Paddle With Style and San Marcos River Retreat. You can find more information and a link to their site on under our sponsorship tabs.